The Best Nonfiction and Fiction Books I Read in 2021

A lot of people often ask how I manage to read so much. Admittedly, I probably do read faster than the average person, but that's only because I've been reading voraciously for most of my life. (And the goal should never be to speed through as many books as possible). The main reason I'm able…

The Best Nonfiction Books I Read in 2020

In a year full of half-truths, misinformation campaigns, conspiracy theories, and bizarre press conferences, we needed the academic rigor and sourced narrative of nonfiction books more than ever. While the fiction books I read in 2020 allowed me to escape reality, the nonfiction books I read in 2020 deconstructed and added context to the reality…

Six Thrilling Novels Written By Black Authors

As you’re probably well aware, I love to read. On average, I burn through a book a week, and I try to maintain a healthy balance between fiction and nonfiction. At the same time, I’ve been reevaluating my own reading habits, and I came to the troubling realization that an overwhelming majority of the books…

Why You Should Resolve to Read More in 2019

I know people who talk about not reading a book since high school or college as if it's a good thing. Unfortunately, they're not alone. According to Pew Research Center, twenty-five percent of adult men and twenty-two percent of adult women didn't read a book in the past twelve months. In 1978, Gallup research reported…

Eight Books That Will Blow Your Mind and Challenge Your Faith

About a year and a half ago, I changed how chose which books I read. Prior to my decision, I read books purely for knowledge - reading became a way to obtain intellectual insight into the mysteries of God and faith. And I soon found myself losing the joy of reading. Because reading became a…