Why I (Still) Believe: A Skeptic’s Guide to the Resurrection of Jesus

Without a doubt, Easter is a weird one. Not only does it arguably have the worst color palette of any national holiday, but the celebration's pagan roots are also so nakedly apparent it's almost shocking they aren't challenged more often by the people who perpetually claim there's a "War on Christmas." Our word "Easter" is…

At the End of the World: Leaving Behind the Rapture and the Cult of Apocalypse

A long time ago, I used to believe God hated the world. I wouldn't have quite put it in those terms, but the God I heard about was God who was merely biding his time before "rapturing" all the "true Christians" and pouring out his wrath and judgment upon the Earth. For those who don't…

The Last Hours: The Revolutionary Final Moments of Jesus

This blog post is a second half of a collection of seven “episodes” I wrote for Holy Week. (You can read Part 1 here). In reconstructing the final days of Jesus, I wanted to show how Jesus’s revolutionary message and life challenged the political, economic, and religious structures of his day – just like they…

The Last Week: The Revolutionary Final Days of Jesus

This blog post is the first half of a collection of "episodes" I wrote for Holy Week. In reconstructing the final days of Jesus, I wanted to show how Jesus's revolutionary message and life challenged the political, economic, and religious structures of his day - just like they still do today. For those who don't…

The Flag and the Cross: The Religious Seduction of Politics and Power

Was Jesus a conservative? A liberal? If he could, would he have voted Democrat or Republican? Would Jesus have even voted? Would he have had anything to do with modern politics, at all? Or is there more going on in the Gospels? Are we even asking the right questions? I think the answers to these…

The Story of the Cross We Rarely Talk About: A Fresh Perspective

It is, without a doubt, the most famous death in all of history. And yet, when some of us see the cross, we may see an archaic story wrapped around a barbaric torture device that has no bearing on our present reality. When others of us see the cross, you may literally see your shame.…