The Waters Above and Below: Revisiting the Story of Noah’s Ark and the Great Flood

The story of Noah's Ark and the Great Flood has long cast a spell on the public imagination. The Biblical account of Noah's Ark has inspired multiple archeological attempts to "recover" the wreckage of the ark across various mountaintops in the Middle East and a $100 million "biblically-accurate replica" that serves as a tourist attraction…

Revelation Decoded: The Secrets Behind the Most Misunderstood Book in the Bible

In an instant, millions of people around the world vanish into thin air. Planes plummet out of the sky. Vehicles, suddenly unmanned, careen out of control. The catastrophic event hurls the world into a state of chaos, anarchy, and panic. Is this the opening salvo of an alien invasion? A secret military experiment gone awry?…

The Inevitable Tragedy of Christian Nationalism

A long time ago, I believed that most of the world’s problems could be solved if more people became Christians. If only more people prayed, read their Bibles, sang worship songs, and accepted Jesus into their hearts, then all our nation’s anger, strife, immorality, violence, and racial division would subside or (at the very least)…

The Best Nonfiction Books I Read in 2020

In a year full of half-truths, misinformation campaigns, conspiracy theories, and bizarre press conferences, we needed the academic rigor and sourced narrative of nonfiction books more than ever. While the fiction books I read in 2020 allowed me to escape reality, the nonfiction books I read in 2020 deconstructed and added context to the reality…

What the Left and Right Get Wrong About Abortion: The Necessity for a More Holistic Pro-Life Movement

Growing up in the Bible Belt in the 1990s, abortion was one of the most frequently cited symptoms of America’s “moral decline” from the pulpit. Sometimes likened to child sacrifices made to the pagan deity Moloch (and the Holocaust), abortion was depicted not only as the epitome of America’s wickedness but also proof of demonic…

How Conspiracy Theorists Hijacked the Crusade to End Human Trafficking

Back in May, I released an article about Christians and Conspiracy Theories. It quickly became one of my most-read articles and, as of today, it’s amassed more than 750,000 views. And, with all of that exposure (and a topic as inflammatory as conspiracy theories), comes an inbox packed with deranged and CAPS LOCK-challenged emails. However,…

The Moral Insanity of Defending Confederate Statues

During his Saturday night re-election rally in Tulsa, President Donald Trump — ever our Uniter-in-Chief in times of crisis — turned his attention to Confederate statues and monuments. In his two-hour address to an enthusiastic (but smaller than expected) crowd, President Trump decried “the unhinged left-wing mob” that “desecrated our monuments” and was “tearing down…

Six Thrilling Novels Written By Black Authors

As you’re probably well aware, I love to read. On average, I burn through a book a week, and I try to maintain a healthy balance between fiction and nonfiction. At the same time, I’ve been reevaluating my own reading habits, and I came to the troubling realization that an overwhelming majority of the books…

If We Desire Racial Equality, We Need To Change the Way We Teach American History

During the third night of the famous Lincoln-Douglas Debate of 1858, Abraham Lincoln delivered a declarative statement to finally quell speculation that he was in favor of racial assimilation: “There is a physical difference between the white and the black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social…